best deal

For only $5.00, you’ll receive a $100.00 gift card.

The gift card will give you all the books on this page (over 500 classic Christian books).

That’s less than $0.01 for each book.

Below the book covers is a full list of all the books.

classic books on prayer
D.L. Moody
classic biographies
Charles Spurgeon
A.W. Pink
F.B. Meyer
H.A. Ironside
Andrew Murray
A.B. Simpson
R.A. Torrey
Catherine Vos
classic books on the Holy Spirit
Popular commentary of the Bible
Christian apologetics
Classic books on the Kingdom of God
spiritual depression
The Biblical Illustrator
G. Campbell Morgan
J.C. Ryle
Charles Simeon
Whedon's Commentary on the Old and New Testament

Here’s an overview of all the book you’ll be able to buy with the gift card…

42 books by C.H. Spurgeon ($4.00)

A Catechism with Proof
A Good Start
Able to the Uttermost
According to Promise
Advice for Seekers
All of Grace
An All-Round Ministry
Around the Wicket Gate
Barbed Arrows from the Quiver of C.H. Spurgeon
Charles H. Spurgeon: The Essex Lad Who Became the Prince of Preachers
Come Ye Children
Daily Help
Faith: What It Is and What It Leads To
Farm Sermons
Feathers for Arrows
Flashes of Thought: One Thousand Choice Extracts from the Works of C.H. Spurgeon
Flowers from a Puritan’s Garden
George Fox
Gleanings Among the Sheaves
Good Tidings of Great Joy
Messages to the Multitudes
A Memorial Volume
Mrs. C.H. Spurgeon
Only a Prayer Meeting
John Ploughman’s Talk
John Ploughman’s Pictures
Pictures from Pilgrim’s Progress
Sermons in Candles
Speeches at Home and Abroad
Teachings of Nature in the Kingdom of Grace
The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Greatest Fight in the World
The Clue of the Maze
The Letters of Charles Haddon Spurgeon
The Metropolitan Tabernacle
The Pastor in Prayer
The Saint and His Savior
The Soul Winner
We Endeavor
Words of Counsel for Christian Workers
Words of Warning for Daily Life
Words of Wisdom for Daily Living

26 books by D.L. Moody ($4.00)

Anecdotes and Illustrations of D.L. Moody
Anecdotes, Incidents, and Illustrations
Arrows and Anecdotes
Bible Characters
Child Stories
Life Words from Gospel Addresses of D.L. Moody
Men of the Bible
Moody’s Latest Sermons
Moody’s Stories
New Sermons, Addresses, and Prayers
Notes from My Bible
One Thousand and One Thoughts from My Library
Pleasure and Profit in Bible Study
Prevailing Prayer
Secret Power
Sovereign Grace
Sowing and Reaping
The Overcoming Life and Other Sermons
The Way to God and How to Find It
To the Work! To the Work!
Twelve Select Sermons
Weighed and Wanting
The D.L. Moody Yearbook
The Life of Dwight L. Moody
The Shorter Life of D.L. Moody

53 books by H.A. Ironside ($4.00)

A Life Laid Down: A Brief Memoir of Fannie M Arthur
Adders’ Eggs and Spider’s Webs, or Human Theories vs. Divine Revelation
Addresses on the Epistles of John
Addresses on the First Epistle to the Corinthians
Addresses on the Gospel of John
Addresses on the Gospel of Luke
Addresses on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians
Addresses on the Song of Solomon
An Exposition of the Epistle of Jude
Baptism: What Saith the Scripture?
Care for God’s Fruit-Trees and Other Messages
Death and Afterwards
Expository Messages on the Epistle to the Galatians
Expository Notes on the Epistle of James
Expository Notes on the Epistles of Peter
Four Golden Hours
Full Assurance
Great Words of the Gospel
Holiness: The False and the True
In the Heavenlies: Practical Expository Addresses on the Epistle to the Ephesians
Lectures on Daniel the Prophet
Lectures on the Book of Acts
Lectures on the Book of Revelation
Lectures on the Epistle to the Colossians
Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans
Lectures on the Levitical Offerings
Letters to a Roman Catholic Priest
Looking Backward Over a Third of a Century of Prophetic Fulfilment
Not Wrath . . . But Rapture
Notes on the Book of Esther
Notes on the Book of Ezra
Notes on the Book of Nehemiah
Notes on the Book of Proverbs
Notes on the Epistle to the Philippians
Notes on the Minor Prophets
Notes on the Prophecy and Lamentations of Jeremiah
Pamphlets and Short Works
Poems and Hymns
Praying in the Holy Spirit
Sailing with Paul
Salvation and Reward
Setting the Stage for the Last Act of the Great World Drama
Studies in the Epistle to the Hebrews
The Eternal Security of the Believer
The Four Hundred Silent Years
The Mass versus the Lord’s Supper
The Midnight Cry
The Mission of the Holy Spirit
The Only Begotten Son
The Oxford Group Movement: Is It Scriptural
The Unchanging Christ and Other Sermons
What Think Ye of Christ?
Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth

15 books by J.C. Ryle ($4.00)

Expository Thoughts on John
Expository Thoughts on Luke
Expository Thoughts on Mark
Expository Thoughts on Matthew
Hymns for the Church on Earth
Knots Untied
Light from Old Times
Living or Dead?
Old Paths
Practical Religion
Startling Questions
The Christian Leaders of the Last Century
The Christian Race and Other Sermons
The Upper Room

37 books by Andrew Murray ($4.00)

Abide in Christ
Absolute Surrender and Other Addresses
Be Perfect!
Divine Healing
Have Mercy Upon Me
Holy in Christ
Jesus Himself
Let Us Draw Nigh
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Love Made Perfect
Out of His Fulness
The Children for Christ
The Dearth of Conversions
The Fruit of the Vine
The Full Blessing of Pentecost
The Holiest of All
The Inner Chamber and the Inner Life
The Key to the Missionary Problem
The Kingdom of God is within You
The Lord’s Table
The Master’s Indwelling
The Ministry of Intercession
The Mystery of the True Vine
The New Life
The Prayer Life
The School of Obedience
The Spirit of Christ
The Spiritual Life
The State of the Church
The Two Covenants
Thy Will Be Done
Waiting on God
Why Do You Not Believe?
With Christ in the School of Prayer
Working for God

45 books by A.W. Pink ($4.00)

A Guide to Fervent Prayer
An Exposition of Hebrews
An Exposition of the Gospel of John
An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount
Comfort for Christians
Divine Healing: Is It Scriptural?
Eternal Punishment
Eternal Security
Gleanings from Elisha: His Life and Miracles
Gleanings from Paul: The Prayers of the Apostle
Gleanings in Exodus
Gleanings in Genesis
Gleanings in Joshua
Gleanings in the Scriptures: Man’s Total Depravity
Interpretation of the Scriptures
Objections to God’s Sovereignty Answered
Practical Christianity
Profiting from the Word
Regeneration of the New Birth
Spiritual Growth
Studies in Saving Faith
The Antichrist
The Arthur Pink Anthology
The Beatitudes
The Divine Covenants
The Divine Inspiration of the Bible
The Doctrine of Election
The Doctrine of Justification
The Doctrine of Reconciliation
The Doctrine of Revelation
The Doctrine of Sanctification
The Godhood of God
The Holy Spirit
The Kingdom of Heaven: Its Significance and Scope
The Law and the Saint
The Life of David
The Life of Faith
The Lord’s Prayer
The Nature of God
The Prophetic Parables of Matthew 13
The Redeemer’s Return
The Satisfaction of Christ: Studies in the Atonement
The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross
The Sovereignty of God
The Ten Commandments

18 books by F.B. Meyer ($4.00)

Abraham: The Obedience of Faith
Cheer for Life’s Pilgrimage
Christ in Isaiah
David: Shepherd, Palmist, King
Elijah and the Secret of His Power
Expository Preaching Plans and Methods
Israel: A Prince with God
John the Baptist
Joshua and the Land of Promise
Moses: The Servant of God
Our Daily Homily
Paul: A Servant of Jesus Christ
Samuel the Prophet
The Bell of Is
The Epistle to the Philippians
The Secret of Guidance
Through the Bible Day by Day
Tried by Fire: Expositions of the First Epistle of Peter

10 books by A.B. Simpson ($4.00)

A Larger Christian Life
Days on Heaven upon Earth
Hymns and Songs
Life More Abundantly
Michele Nardi: The Italian Evangelist – His Life and Work
Songs of the Spirit
The Apostolic Church
The Christ of the Forty Days
The Four-Fold Gospel
The Life of A.B. Simpson

30 classic books on prayer (free)

A.T. Pierson – Lessons in the School of Prayer as Taught by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself
Andrew Murray – Lord, Teach Us To Pray
Andrew Murray – The Ministry of Intercession
Andrew Murray – The Prayer Life
Andrew Murray – With Christ in the School of Prayer
Arthur W. Pink – A Guide to Fervent Prayer
Arthur W. Pink – Gleanings from Paul: Studies in the Prayers of the Apostle
Arthur W. Pink – The Lord’s Prayer
C.H. Mackintosh – Prayer and the Prayer Meeting
Charles Spurgeon – Only a Prayer Meeting
Charles Spurgeon – The Pastor in Prayer
D.L. Moody – Prevailing Prayer
E.M. Bounds – Power through Prayer
E.M. Bounds – Prayer and Praying Men
E.M. Bounds – Purpose in Prayer
E.M. Bounds – The Essentials of Prayer
E.M. Bounds – The Necessity of Prayer
E.M. Bounds – The Possibilities of Prayer
E.M. Bounds – The Reality of Prayer
E.M. Bounds – The Weapon of Prayer
G. Campbell Morgan – The Practice of Prayer
H.A. Ironside – Praying in the Holy Spirit
Herman Witsius – Sacred Dissertations on the Lord’s Prayer
J.D. Jones – The Model Prayer
James Hastings – The Christian Doctrine of Prayer
John Bunyan – A Discourse Touching Prayer
R.A. Torrey – How to Pray
R.A. Torrey – Power and Peace in Prayer
Robert Traill – Sermons Concerning the Throne of Grace
W.H. Griffith Thomas – The Prayers of St. Paul

30 books on spiritual depression ($4.00)

Arthur W. Pink – Comfort for Christians
Charles Spurgeon – The Mourner’s Comforter
David Clarkson – Three Discourses on Jesus as Our Great High Priest
Edward Polhill – A Preparation for Suffering in an Evil Day
Ezekiel Hopkins – The All-Sufficiency of Christ to Save Sinners
Jeremiah Burroughs – The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
John Bunyan – Advice to Sufferers
John Bunyan – Christ a Complete Saviour
John Bunyan – Israel’s Hope Encouraged
John Bunyan – The Water of Life
John Bunyan – The Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate
John Flavel – Preparations for Sufferings
John Flavel – The Balm of the Covenant Applied to Bleeding Wounds of Afflicted Saints
John Howe – A Discourse Relating to the Expectation of Future Blessedness
John Owen – A Practical Exposition upon Psalm 130
Richard Sibbes – Discouragement’s Recovery
Richard Sibbes – The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax
Richard Sibbes – The Returning Backslider
Richard Sibbes – The Saint’s Comforts
Richard Sibbes – The Soul’s Conflict with Itself
Robert Traill – Sermons Concerning the Throne of Grace
Stephen Charnock – A Discourse on Afflictions
Stephen Charnock – A Discourse Proving Weak Grace Victorious
Thomas Boston – The Sovereignty and Wisdom of God Displayed in the Afflictions of Men
Thomas Brooks – A Word in Season
Thomas Brooks – The Mute Christian Under the Smarting Rod
Thomas Goodwin – Of Christ the Mediator
Thomas Goodwin – Patience and its Perfect Work, Under Sudden and Sore Trials
Thomas Goodwin – The Heart of Christ in Heaven, Towards Sinners on Earth
William Bates – The Dangers of Prosperity

14 biographies of the church fathers ($4.00)

Clements of Alexandria
Gregory the Great
Leo the Great
Saint Augustine
Saint Jerome
St. Ambrose
St. Bernard
St. Hilary of Poitiers and St. Martin of Tours
St. John of Damascus
St. Patrick
Synesius of Cyrene
The Apostolic Fathers
The Defenders of the Faith
The Venerable Bede

12 Books on Christian Apologetics ($4.00)

Alexander Balmain Bruce – Apologetics or Christianity Defensively Stated
Alfred Ernest Garvie – A Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Arthur R. Gray – An Introduction to the Study of Christian Apologetics
Conrad Emil Lindberg – Apologetics or A System of Christian Evidence
Ezekiel Boring-Kephart – Apologetics or a Treatise on Christian Evidences
F.J. Koch – A Manual of Apologetics
Francis R. Beattie – Apologetics or the Rational Vindication of Christianity
J. Macbride Sterrett – The Freedom of Authority: Essays in Apologetics
J.H.A. Ebrard – Apologetics or the Scientific Vindication of Christianity
Philip Carrington – Christian Apologetics of the Second Century
Robert Mackintosh – A First Primer of Apologetics
Samuel L. Phillips – The Testimony of Reason

15 Books on the Kingdom of God ($4.00)

A. Clutton Brock – What Is the Kingdom of Heaven
Alexander Balmain Bruce – The Kingdom of God
Alexander MacKennal – The Kingdom of the Lord Jesus
Arthur W. Pink – The Kingdom of Heaven
Ernest F. Scott – The Kingdom of God in the New Testament
Ernest F. Scott – The Kingdom and the Messiah
Francis Asa Wight – The Kingdom of God
G.R.H. Shafto – The Stories of the Kingdom
H. Maldwyn Hughes – The Kingdom of Heaven
J.B. Cosens – The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church
James S. Candlish – The Kingdom of God Biblically and Historically Considered
L. McWherter – The Three Kingdoms
Rayner Winterbotham – The Kingdom of Heaven – Here and Hereafter
T.P Stafford – A Study of the Kingdom
Various Authors – The Kingdom of God and History

21 Books by R.A. Torrey ($4.00)

Anecdotes and Illustrations
Difficulties in the Bible
Divine Healing
How to Pray
How to Promote & Conduct a Successful Revival
How to Study the Bible for Greatest Profit
How to Succeed in The Christian Life
How to Work for Christ
Power and Peace in Prayer
Real Salvation and Whole-Hearted Service
Revival Addresses
Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord
Talks to Men About the Bible and the Christ of the Bible
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit
The Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith
The Gospel for Today
The Importance and Value of Proper Bible Study
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
The Return of the Lord Jesus
The Voice of God in the Present Hour
What the Bible Teaches

32 Books on the Holy Spirit ($4.00)

A.C. Dixon – The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit
A.J. Gordon – The Holy Spirit in Missions
A.J. Gordon – The Ministry of the Spirit
Abraham Kuyper – The Work of the Holy Spirit
Arthur T. Pierson – The Acts of the Holy Spirit
Arthur W. Pink – The Holy Spirit
Eugene Russell Hendrix – The Personality of the Holy Spirit
G. Campbell Morgan – The Spirit of God
George Salmon – The Evidences of the Work of the Holy Spirit
George Smeaton – The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
H. Wheeler Robinson – The Christian Experience of the Holy Spirit
H.A. Ironside – Praying in the Holy Spirit
H.A. Ironside – The Mission of the Holy Spirit
Henry Barclay Swete – On the Early History of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Henry Barclay Swete – The Holy Spirit in the New Testament
Howard Watkin Jones – The Holy Spirit in the Mediaeval Church
James B. Walker – The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
James Buchanan – The Office and Work of the Holy Spirit
John Howard Hinton – The Work of the Holy Spirit in Conversion
John Owen – A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit
Joseph Parker – The Paraclete
R. Birch Hoyle – The Holy Spirit in St. Paul
R.A. Torrey – The Baptism with the Holy Spirit
R.A. Torrey – The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Robert M. Laird – A Discourse on the Witnessing of the Holy Spirit
S.W. Pratt – The Gospel of the Holy Spirit
Samuel Brengle – When the Holy Ghost is Come
T. Rees – The Holy Spirit in Thought and Experience
W.B. Godbey – The Incarnation of the Holy Ghost
W.H. Griffith Thomas – The Holy Spirit of God
Wick Broomall – The Holy Spirit
William Ives Washburn – The Holy Spirit

20 Books by G. Campbell Morgan ($4.00)

A Concise Survey of the Bible
A First Century Message to Twentieth Century Christians
God’s Methods With Man
Life Problems
Living Messages of the Books of the Bible
The Christ of Today
The Hidden Years at Nazareth
The Life of the Christian
The Ministry of the Word
The Missionary Manifesto
The Parables of the Kingdom
The Practice of Prayer
The Spirit of God
The Study and Teaching of the English Bible
The Teaching of Christ
The Ten Commandments
The True Estimate of Life and How to Live
Wherein Have we Robbed God

The Biblical Illustrator ($4.00)

A sixty-volume commentary on the Bible, giving you the best of the best from the first eighteen centuries.

Charles Simeon’s Horae Homileticae ($4.00)

Twenty-one volumes of his “sermon skeletons,” covering Genesis through Revelation.

Whedon’s Commentary on the Bible ($4.00)

A fourteen-volume commentary on the Bible from an Arminian/Wesleyan perspective.

Popular Commentary of the Bible ($4.00)

A classic Bible commentary from a Lutheran perspective by Paul E. Kretzmann. Also included, The World’s Great Sermons, ten volumes with sermons from the early church fathers through the nineteenth century, compiled by Grenville Kleiser, and Bible Characters, six volumes by Alexander Whyte, containing Bible characters from Adam through Timothy, including a volume on “Our Lord’s Characters” from His parables.

Child’s Story Bible ($4.00)

An excellent, in-depth children’s Bible. Also included, Richard Newton’s The Life of Jesus Christ for the Young.

Individual Books That Are Not Included in the $4.00 Book Deals ($19.82)

Here’s a list of all the other books you’ll be able to buy with the gift card, which includes all the free books:

A Christ-Centered Commentary on Galatians” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
A Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians” by Martin Luther ($0.00)
A Glorious Sacrifice” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
An Unfathomable Gift!” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
A Universal Message and a Divine Application” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
Battling Sexual Temptations and Sins” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
Charles Spurgeon on Calvinism and Arminianism” ($0.99)
Charles Spurgeon on Discouragement and Spiritual Depression” ($0.00)
Christ Alone Exalted” by Tobias Crisp ($0.99)
Christ in All the Scriptures” by A.M. Hodgkin ($0.00)
Christian Theology” by Adam Clarke ($0.99)
Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount” by Martin Luther ($0.99)
Devotional Readings from Luther’s Works for Every Day of the Year” ($1.99)
God’s Foolishness and Weakness” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners” by John Bunyan ($0.99)
Heart Talks on Holiness” by Samuel Brengle ($0.99)
Helps to Holiness” by Samuel Brengle ($0.99)
It’s All about Jesus” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
Jesus: God’s Inexpressible Gift to You” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
Joy to the World” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
Love Slaves” by Samuel Brengle ($0.99)
Meeting God at Wits’ End” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
Puritan Gems” by Thomas Watson ($0.00)
The AI Commentary on Galatians” ($0.00)
The Blood of the Cross” by Horatius Bonar ($0.00)
The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks – Volumes I – VI” ($1.99)
The Composition of a Sermon” by Jean Claude ($0.99)
The Everlasting Righteousness” by Horatius Bonar ($0.99)
The Five Points of Calvinism in Light of Jesus Christ” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
The Fountain of Life” by John Flavel ($0.99)
The Fundamentals” by R.A. Torrey ($0.00)
The Most Controversial Chapter in the Bible” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)
The Poor Man’s Evening Portion” by Robert Hawker ($0.99)
The Poor Man’s Morning Portion” by Robert Hawker ($0.99)
The Rent Veil” by Horatius Bonar ($0.99)
The Soul Winner’s Secret” by Samuel Brengle ($0.99)
The Treasury of David” by Charles Spurgeon ($0.99)
Why Good Things Happen to Bad People” by Jan Blonk ($0.00)