Christ-Centered Books publishes a wide variety of classic Christian books, including from various theological positions. Please consider the following disclaimer.

While there may be a variety of theological positions, each author holds to the essentials of “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3). As such, we can learn from and be encouraged by each author.

The differences are in relation to secondary issues – those issues that do not pertain to the essentials of the Christian faith and one’s salvation.

When it comes to these secondary issues, we have to state with Paul: “We know in part” (1 Cor. 13:9). Therefore, we should show genuine love to other believers who hold to different secondary positions, for we are all one in Christ.

That doesn’t mean we should ignore or undermine these secondary issues that we believe are important. Any argument and debate, though, should be done with proper humility and sincere love.

I want to add the words of Charles Spurgeon, which he wrote in his preface of The Treasury of David:

One thing the reader will please clearly to understand, and I beg him to bear it in mind: I am far from endorsing all I have quoted. I am neither responsible for the scholarship or orthodoxy of the writers. The names are given that each author may bear his own burden; and a variety of writers have been quoted that the thoughts of many minds might be before the reader. Still I trust nothing evil has been admitted; if it be so it is an oversight.

Charles Spurgeon

Similarly, “I am far from endorsing all that I have [published] . . . and a variety of writers have been [published] that the thoughts of many minds might be before the [buyer]. Still I trust nothing evil has been admitted; it it be so it is an oversight.”

In Christ Alone,

Mr. Jan Blonk