
Throughout the history of the church, there has been a major theological controversy, sharply dividing believers in Jesus. This controversy is known as the bondage of the will versus the freedom of the will. The most notable theologians are Augustine versus Pelagius, Luther versus Erasmus, and Calvin versus Arminius. This controversy is more commonly known as Calvinism versus Arminianism.

While there may be various subgroups and nuances within each of these two convictions, the line is clearly drawn. Whether one realizes it or not, every Christian falls on either side of this line, which defines and determines one’s understanding of God and His grace.

These contrary convictions, though, do not determine one’s salvation. Not at all! Anyone’s salvation is solely based on one’s faith in Jesus, even though there may be a strong disagreement as to the ground and cause of such necessary faith. As such, this is an in-house debate that should be characterized by proper humility and respect, relating to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

One of the weightiest debates among Christians…

That doesn’t mean that the debate between Calvinism versus Arminianism is without much weight. It may well be the weightiest debate among Christians, for whatever one believes about this controversy affects all one’s reading, understanding, and communication of God’s word.

Because this controversy has been a major pursuit in my own life for over thirty years, having been on both sides, I’ve published four books. Since they complement one another, I’ve published them simultaneously. In the process of writing, the first book led to the second, the third, and the fourth book, which is why I strongly suggest the following order:

A Universal Message and a Divine Application

The Five Points of Calvinism in Light of Jesus Christ

The Most Controversial Chapter in the Bible

God’s Foolishness and Weakness

Click here to buy all four books for only $10.00 (and receive a fifth book for free – a $5.00 value)

Whatever you believe about this debate, God’s word is first, foremost, and final, whereby the person and work of Jesus Christ should be the center of every theological conviction.

Your participation will make a difference…

Since these books are used as a fundraiser for Bibles for the persecuted church, your purchase of these four books will provide one Bible to someone who doesn’t have personal access to God’s word.

Whether you agree or disagree with my theological persuasion in these four books, will you help the persecuted church? Your purchase will provide one Bible. Will you do so?

In Christ Alone,

Mr. Jan Blonk

P.S. in order to understand how your purchase of this $10.00 book deal equals one Bible, here is the breakdown: a $10.00 book deal requires an external payment fee of $0.60 ($0.30 plus 3% of the cost). The 75% royalty of the remaining $9.40 comes to $7.05. Since each Bible is $7.00, you’ll provide one Bible through your purchase. Will you do so?