Calvinism Arminianism

When it comes to the bondage of the will versus the freedom of the will, also more commonly known as Calvinism versus Arminianism, we have a major theological controversy, dividing sincere Christians along razor-sharp lines.

While the emotions can easily soar high when it comes to this debate, one’s conviction doesn’t determine one’s salvation. Not at all! Everyone’s salvation is solely based on one’s faith in Jesus, even though we may strongly disagree as to the ground and cause of such necessary faith. As such, this is an in-house debate that should be characterized by proper humility and respect, relating to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Since Calvinism versus Arminianism has been one of my main theological pursuits over the last thirty years, having been on both sides, I’ve simultaneously published four books regarding this never-ending controversy. The first book led to the second book, the third book, and the fourth book, looking at this debate from four different angles. As such, I strongly suggest the following order:

A Universal Message and a Divine Application

The Five Points of Calvinism in Light of Jesus Christ

The Most Controversial Chapter in the Bible

God’s Foolishness and Weakness

While all four books are necessary in order to get a complete understanding of what I believe the Bible teaches about the bondage of the will versus the freedom of the will, the first book will give you my perspective on how Calvinism and Arminianism are not as far apart as we may often think.

Actually, out of the six biblical truths that this book addresses, five are essentially the same. The sixth truth, while sharply dividing Arminianism from Calvinism, isn’t necessarily an opposing truth to Arminianism but an additional one.

Click the following link for your free copy of…

A Universal Message and a Divine Application

Since all four books are used as a fundraiser for Bibles for the persecuted church, I encourage you to buy all four books for only $10.00 (they are $5.00 each). In doing so, you will provide one Bible to the persecuted church.

Click here to buy all four books (you will also receive a fifth book for free – a $5.00 value).

For more info, you can also join my YouTube channel, where I will walk through all four books in the suggested order.

In Christ Alone,

Mr. Jan Blonk

P.S. in order to understand how your purchase of these four books equals one Bible, here is a breakdown: the $10.00 requires an external payment fee of $0.30 plus 3% of the price. The 3% comes to $0.30, which means that the external payment fees are $0.60. The royalty is $9.40 ($10.00 – $0.60). 75% of $9.40 equals $7.05. This means that you will provide one Bible to the persecuted church through your purchase. Will you do so?